Web Design and WordPress development for APS Azamgarh

about aps azamgarh

Azamgarh Public School (APS) adopts an exemplary model of inclusive education, ensuring every child’s right to education with unwavering dedication. APS embraces diversity, nurturing an environment that meets unique needs with special attention and support.

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The Chalange

APS Azamgarh encountered several challenges in its pursuit of educational excellence. Firstly, a limited online presence hindered its visibility, leaving potential students and parents unaware of the school’s offerings.

Secondly, the institute struggled with low student enrolment due to intense competition from other educational institutions in the region. Lastly, traditional communication channels failed to effectively engage parents and students, leading to a gap in conveying important information and updates.

Addressing these challenges became essential to enhance outreach efforts, attract more students, and foster better communication within the school community. APS Azamgarh embarked on a transformative journey to overcome these obstacles and create a more inclusive and thriving learning environment for all.

What did
INCI Tech do

INCI Tech devised a comprehensive digital marketing strategy tailored to the specific needs of APS Azamgarh. The following key components were included in the implementation plan:

Website Redesign: INCI Tech designed and developed a modern, user-friendly WordPress website for APS Azamgarh. The website showcased essential information about the institute, including courses, faculty, infrastructure, and testimonials from current students and parents.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): INCI Tech conducted extensive keyword research and implemented on-page and off-page SEO techniques to improve the website’s search engine rankings. This move aimed to increase organic traffic and visibility.

Social Media Marketing: INCI Tech established and managed APS Azamgarh’s social media profiles across various platforms. Engaging content, regular updates, and targeted advertising campaigns were utilized to enhance the institute’s online presence and connect with the target audience.

Content Marketing: Informative blog posts, articles, and videos related to education, career guidance, and the institute’s achievements were created and promoted to position APS Azamgarh as a thought leader in the education sector.

Local Marketing: INCI Tech significantly boosted APS Azamgarh’s local presence on Google through strategic search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. By optimizing the school’s website, creating relevant local content, and implementing Google My Business tools, they enhanced the school’s visibility in search results, attracting more prospective students and parents to the institution.

The Results

The technology that we use to support APS Azamgarh

UI/UX Design

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